Wednesday, December 28, 2011

NYC New York Color

NYC Nude York Color Lip Gloss

I have now had time to try the lip gloss that INFLUENSTER sent me in my holiday voxbox and I like it! Like I said in the post where I introduced the voxbox, I am not a lip gloss kind of gal, but the NYC Nude York Color is a success. I wasn’t sure if the color was going to be a little too bronze for my fare skin, but the color was very neutral and made my lips very shiny!  Since I do not wear a lip gloss on a daily basis, I do really appreciate the quality as well as the price of this product. NYC offers great products, like this gloss, at very affordable prices. I will be buying more in the future and highly recommend others to try it out!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


A friend introduced me to and within just days of joining and earning some badges, I was notified that I was selected to receive a voxbox and review a some fun products. I love to share my opinion about products with others, so I got really excited when I recieved my box!!
Included in the box is a card that reads a description of each product. These are the products I will be reviewing:
1. imPRESS Press-on manicure by Broadway Nails
You simply peel off, press on and you just got yourself a mani! Included in the box is also a couple of coupons and more information about the new product. The company offers 36 colors and patterns including one you can paint yourself; I am super excited about the design I got, WinkWink. The package claims to last for a week so we will see how they hold up! I have not used press on nails since I was like 8, but if these things are a great as the company claims, it would be a great to be able to snag a bottle (they come in a cute nail polish bottle that opens down the middle) and have decent looking nails in a flash for an event or a trip.

2.SOFTSOAP Coconut Scrub Bar Soap
This bar of soap exfoliates your skin with crushed coconut extract and states to renew your skin's surface while helping your skin retain its moisture. I am weary of it since it is a bar of soap, but it smells too good to not try it!

3. MONTAGNE Jeunesse Face Mask
Face mask that consist of natural ingredients and "luscious juicy fragrances". I received a trail size of the Mud Pac that is anti stress. These mask really added to our girls' nights in college and  I cannot wait to take a walk down memory lane with this MUD PAC.

4. NEW YORK Color Liquid Lip Shine
This product is "uptown style at a down-to-earth price". This gloss provides shine and moisture by creating a 3-D gloss effect and vitamin E. It comes in 10 shades and I received Nude New York City. I am not a big lip gloss kind of gal and I am not sure about the shade for me, so we will see if this tube will sink to the bottom of my makeup drawer or not.

5. MENTOS Pure Fresh Gum
Sugarfree gum will offer you a quick "refresh" that provides you with a coolness for long-lasting breath. It also comes in a fun container so I am hoping their gum will not join the other stray pieces in the bottom of my purse. I am always excited to try new gum.

This bars are only made form 2-9 ingredients (fruits, nuts and spices)! That really excited me because the ingredient list on most products can get a little over whelming.  They offer 19 flavors and I received Chocolate Chip Brownie. I used to buy similar bars in other brands and really enjoyed them so I am hoping to love this one.

I have already tried two things and hope to post my verdict soon. In the meantime, check out influenster's website. It is easy to join and totally free!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

7 weeks later....

Our little boy is now 7 weeks old! It brings tears to my eyes to think about how fast the time is flying. A lot has happened over the past several weeks (hence why I have not been able to update the blog). The first two weeks went smoothly...a little too smooth. Maddox only cried when he was hungry, slept pretty well, was content any where you placed him, did not spit up at all and just made everything simple. I almost felt as if I was cheating the first two weeks because everything was too easy; I even felt guilty for the food friends brought us (maybe the percocet was working a little too well???), but at two weeks EVERYTHING changed! Maddox began to get horrible gas pains that left him screaming. He would mistake the gas pains for hunger pains and fight to be nursed; I had to refuse to feed him in between feeding so the pain would not get worse. Gas drops were a joke and the expensive bottle of probiotics were failing us, all we could do were leg exercises and cry with him. After me not eating any dairy for a couple of we weeks, we realized Maddox has an intolerance to milk protein and we later discovered beef does not settle too well with his tummy either.

We also learned that Maddox has acid reflux after help with the doctor and connecting the dots. We realized he was spitting up a lot, fussing after lying on his back for a while, whimpers while eating and needs to sleep on an inclined bed. He is taking medicine for this and we are hoping that he grows out of it, as well as the dairy intolerance, within a few months. As you can tell, I have had my hands full!!

Other than those things, everything has been wonderful! We have really been enjoying watching Maddox learn new things. His focus ability is strengthening, he has very strong legs and loves to stand on our laps, he coos, smiles and today I heard him laughing in his sleep! Kaydence is very happy to see him smile; she was a little disappointed their first weekend together and said, "He doesn't do a whole lot." We have been using our cloth diapers, but Maddox still doesn't fit into all of the ones we have and the ones that do fit are very bulky....but so cute!!

Other things have changed in the Sinnott house hold as well. Kaydence is now in the first grade and seems to enjoy it. Rob has begun a new job at U.K as an advisor and is currently working part time at the gym until he is replaced. Just after two days of both jobs, he is pretty tired and we miss him! He still feels called to be a policeman, but for now he is thankful for his current job and really enjoys it. He is looking forward to having co-workers and not be surrounded by only college students. I am still adjusting to my new role as a mother and as a stay at home mom. I have not mastered caring for Maddox and our home just yet, but hopefully, in time it will come!

Here are some pics, enjoy! 

George and Alision came to visit!

Maddox was chilling with Daddy and then just laid his head back and went to sleep. Kind of freaked us out.

"Is anyone going to pick me up?"

Maddox likes to hang out in his crib and listen/watch his mobile, he lets us know when the music stops. I am afraid he is never going to sleep in his crib because he thinks it is a music box!

A little blurry, but this is the smile we get when he is on the changing table.

Not sure if he just really enjoys peeing on me or a clean botton, but he sure does like being there.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Our little boy is finally here!!!

Disclaimer: I wrote this under the influence of pain medicine.

We were scheduled to arrive to UK for an induction Thursday, June 7th and were disappointed to receive a phone call saying the labor hall was crazy busy and that we were going to be "on call". The nurse told me that we would receive a phone call by morning. Morning rolled around and no phone call! After waiting 41 weeks to meet my little boy, I was getting very upset. Finally, a date was set to for me to meet my son and instead of meeting him, I got to wait even longer! I was pretty confident that he was NEVER coming!

God has really taught me a lot during my pregnancy and waiting upon Him was one of them. During my pregnancy, I had to really give control of my life over to God. I have been struggling with trusting God completely for a season and tended to doubt Him with a lot of areas of my life. Pregnancy is impossible to control so God used a great tool to capture my trust!

I had to wait until God was ready for Maddox to enter my life and it had to be done God's way. We were hoping to go into labor or to be induced before our due date to avoid paying another deductible, but in order to be induced, my cervix had to be favorable. After several appointments, we came to terms that our baby was not coming before July 1st, my cervix just did not progress at all nor had the baby dropped until the week of his due date (but still not low enough). If we were induced, the risk of a cesarean section would have increased and we decided we would just wait until the Lord was ready and we knew He would provide the finances to cover the deductible.

We did not receive a call Friday morning, but by 1:30pm they were ready for us. It was so exciting knowing that we would not be coming home alone! We arrived at the hospital and after they examined me and found that my cervix is stubborn, methods of induction were discussed and began to be administered. That night went smoothly, but the medicine wasn't working magic. I began to have consistent strong contractions ( I was contracting when I went in). By morning, I wished I had went ahead and gotten an epidural when it was offered before I went to bed just so I could have gotten some sleep. I was in a lot of pain, but my cervix was stuck at 1.5 cm.

 I was on the last dose of the medicine they were giving me at the time when I decided to stop pretending like I could sleep. I just came back to from the bathroom and hooked every thing back in when my nurse came through the door to adjust the monitor. At first, I didn't think much of it since she and Maddox had been playing games all night trying to keep him on it, but this time she had me turning every which way and told the girl who followed her in to inform the doctors the baby heat rate was low. Poor Rob woke up to seven nurses and a doctor running into the room, flipping me all around, injecting me with a shot to calm the contractions down, checking my cervix and putting an oxygen mask on me which was all done with seconds. Rob just stood there feeling helpless and clueless. Once they left, the baby's heart rate was normal and through the oxygen mask I asked Rob if I was laying upside down, which I practically was. It had happened so quickly, I didn't know what had just taken place!

Now being confined to my right side, my doctor arrived and the next method was discussed to continue the induction. My doctor wanted to start the pitocin, but with my contractions already being two to three minutes apart and intense, they decided to go with a "folly bulb". ( Not sure if that is what it is really called or how it is spelled.) This method would dilate my cervix, but not exactly cause me to go into labor and it was very painful to insert! After everything going smoothly for a while with my wonderful nurses keeping a close watch on Maddox's heart beat, the doctor decided it was time to speed things up with pitocin. Already being in pain and knowing that it could be still be a couple of more days before I delivered with the way my body was progressing, I asked for an epidural. I have never been a big fan of the idea of an epidural, but I just could not lay there for hours after hours in pain. Well, the epidural application process was a huge pain! The anesthesiologist had a hard time, for some reason, to get it right! And, no, he was not a resident!!! Rob sat at my feet that were dangled over the bed and one of my nurses supported me, while also having me smell alcohol pads, taking a cold wash cloth to my face and trying to keep the monitor on the baby. Even with the numerous numbing shots, I still felt a lot of the pain and with the position I had to stay in, I became very nauseous and almost passed out. My nurse was getting very upset with the anesthesoilogist as was Rob who could only hold my feet.

After four attempts, the epidural was in place. My back still looks like a pin cushion! I was extremely exausted and could not keep my eyes open and with the pain not keeping me awake I was able to take a wonderful nap while Rob went to get himself lunch....nurse's orders. At one point during my nap, in came the my nurses, the doctor and the anesthesiologist.....Maddox's heart rate had dropped again. They turned off the pitocin and reduced strength of the epidural. My doctor informed me that it was  probably time to discuss other options and she would wait until Rob came back. After texting Rob, he quickly returned and the doctor explained to us that she had no problem doing inductions that take three days, but with the baby's pattern she was getting worried. If I had been close to delivering, it would not have been such a risk, but with my body not progressing and the induction medicine having such a negative impact on the baby's heat rate, we may want to consider a cesarean. She said at that point, it was not an emergency and she could not tell us that we had to have one, but we may want to consider it. Rob and I discussed it and decided that we felt it would be best for our baby to go ahead and have the cesarean.

The preparation had began for a c-section. I was a little upset that a c-section would change how the first minutes of my baby's life would be handled. If we had had him vaginally, then I would have gotten to hold him as soon as he was born and Rob would have had to wait about an hour after we had enough skin to skin time and his first bath. Now, Rob got to hold him and I barely got to see him. I was taken to the O.R while Rob put his scrubs on and waited until he was invited into the room. I was placed on the table that I felt I was twice the width of and the anesthesiologist (yes, the same one) worked his magic to numb me. This was probably the most uncomfortable part of it. I began to get super nauseous and was burning up! The nurses kept offering me blankets thinking it was cold for me. Right after the drape was placed to prevent me from seeing anyting, they put some kind of plastic thing across my arms that blew warm air claiming I would be cold once they cut me open...that didn't happen.

A cesarean has to be the most surreal thing you can ever experience. There is no pushing, sweating, or anything you ever imagine your the birth of your baby to be like, just a few tugs and a then there is a baby. I didn't feel anything while they removed the baby, besides them compressing the top of my stomach to force the little guy out. He was a fighter! As they were removing him, Rob was allowed to stand up watch over the curtain as I heard them say, he had a short cord and it was wrapped around his neck. The doctor and us were so thankful that we decided to go ahead and have the c-section. If we had choses to wait, it could have gotten very scary.

Rob was a proud daddy of a very handsome 6lbs 9oz little boy with a head full of hair. As daddy got to hold his little boy, they began stitching me. It takes no time for them to cut the baby out, but it takes forever for them to sew you back up and I felt a lot of it. I was so anxious to hold my little boy and was upset that I was not able to until later. Maddox had a bowel movement right before they got him out, and thank God they were able to clear it all out of him! He also came out peeing and pooped on the table. He was not happy about leaving mommy's belly. Once he was wrapped up, Rob brought the baby to me to show me our wonderful gift, but I could only see his nose!

I was moved to the recovery room where I was cleaned up. I had a very hard time staying awake, but the desire to hold my baby kept my eyes open...but, it could not keep me from throwing up! After getting cleaned up, I was finally able to hold my baby, but only long enough to feed him. That thirty minutes was the best thirty minutes of my life. All I could think about was how perfect he is.

Once in our room, I continued to throw up in front of my family who was waiting to meet the baby. Maddox was brought to the room after his bath and everyone was able to hold him for a brief minute before Rob had to ask everyone to leave and visit another day. I could not keep my eyes open and needed medicine to help  stop throwing up. The nurse asked if we wanted them to keep Maddox in the nursery so I could rest and I was confined to my bed anyway. Rob told them that he would take care of him and he did a wonderful job! I was out pretty quickly after everyone left and vaguely remembering the nurse and doctor having to change my bandage. Rob commented the next day that he hated watching them rip the tape off of me, but I assured him I barely remembering them apologizing about it.

It was a very long 41 weeks and very rough day for Rob and I, but we have such a beautiful son as a product of it. I am going to go snuggle with my little boy now. Good night and thank you for those who prayed for us during the process!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I have been trying to get around to posting updated pictures, but it is kind of hard to update your blog when you are working around the clock. We have been puting in some hours at the house and my aching pregnant body does not appreciate it! We still have some work left, but we are moving in this Saturday! whoo hoo!  Since I am behind at posting pictures, I will just post all of the ones I have so you can see the progress.

This was the kitchen floor after Rob stript it and before the tile.

What a mess!

The sitting room was like this for a couple of week.
It contained everything that was in the kitchen,

Maddox's room all painted!

The downstairs bathroom.
What you see in the tub are the drawers from the fridge.
It smelled very bad so I tried to scurb everything,
but we have decided that nothing will get rid of the pepper
smell in it and since it dims our lights when it kicks on (It is the only
plugged up!), we have decided to just buy a new one!

Our room with our new furniture!

Ok, I need help here. What kind of window treatment should
I do??  Due to the shape of the room
and this window making it difficult to place furniture,
the bed is kind of close the wall , so I don't
want anything that will get in Rob's way of getting to the bed.

Maddox's bed and the result of me going through a bunch
of clothes.

So cute!

Upstairs bathroom. Just needing the ceiling painted.

Add caption

The kitchen tiled!!!

The entery way painted. The white rails need one more coat
of paint and they are not easy to paint!

The den painted. Just need the rest of the trim painted and
I do believe the hall downstairs never received it's second

Kady's room. I was too tired to take a picture last night
after the first coat was finished. It is very purple and pretty!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

work, work and more work

We finally started to get some paint on the wall, but we are now removing EVERYTHING from the kitchen. My grandfather, uncle and great uncle are doing us a huge favor by tiling our kitchen floor and wants to do the whole floor (for the best result). My grandfather told rob tonight what all needed to come up and out (everything is to be stripped down to the sub-floor) and Rob has already cleaned the kitchen out! My hubby doesn't mess around! Hopefully, I will remember to take some pictures of the progress/work and post them soon.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kitchen measurements for Tim

Sorry, this post is just for my Uncle Tim. It was the easiest way to post pictures and measurements. The kitchen is a mess and everything is just kind of thrown in there right now. The cabinets and counter have not been moved exactly where they are going (just a few inches down the wall, closer to the pantry).

From the new cabinets to the wall is 9ft and 3in. 
From new cabinets to old cabinets by the fridge is about 7ft and 4in.

From the wall in the picture to the wall behind the stove is 23ft and 9in.
From the arched doorway (the kitchen has two doorways) to the back door is about 10ft and 9in.
Including everything in the kitchen, the kitchen is 23.9 x 10.9. I think the cabinets are are a little less than 2 feet deep.

We are thinking there may be three layers of this crap. Papaw told us not to pull it up yet, he wants to look at it first.